Thursday, May 08, 2008

Lecciones de inglés: como pedir información

Capitana: good morning sir
Panta: hi, good morning
Capitana: can I take your phone number?
Panta: oh, triple seven five, seven six, double four, oh nine... will you call me?

La capitana se pone toda roja de la cara y sonríe

Capitana: Sorry, I meant your room number
Panta: That´s seven, two, eight...will you call me though?

La capitana sigue roja de la cara y vuelve a sonreír

Capitana: certainly, but I didn´t catch that last number…

Mi desayuno consistió de fresas, piñas, un yogurt de piña y dos vasos de jugo de naranja natural

chat sb up
to talk to someone in a way that shows them that you are sexually attracted to them
Fuente: Cambridge dictionary

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